Star Lanka - Gemstone Necklace

Star Lanka - Gemstone Necklace

With a rich history dating back to 1985, Starlanka has been a trusted purveyor of exquisite gemstones. Fueled by a deep-seated passion for their intrinsic allure, we painstakingly select each gemstone, cultivating lasting partnerships with miners and craftsmen worldwide to offer our clientele an unparalleled collection of treasures.

Each gemstone that graces our collection undergoes a meticulous selection process, ensuring that only the finest specimens with exceptional characteristics make their way to our discerning clientele. We believe in cherishing the uniqueness and individuality of each gem, recognizing that they carry their own distinct story and allure.

Our extensive network of relationships with miners and artisans spans the globe, allowing us to curate an unparalleled collection of gemstones that captivate the senses and stir the imagination. From the vibrant hues of sapphires to the fiery brilliance of rubies, our offerings showcase the diversity and splendor of nature's creations.

At Starlanka, we are driven by a commitment to excellence in every facet of our operations. Whether it's procuring rare and exquisite gemstones or providing exceptional customer service, our dedication to perfection shines through in everything we do. We understand that for our customers, each gemstone is not just a stone but a piece of art waiting to be discovered and cherished.

As we continue our mission of sharing the wonder and magic of gemstones with the world, we invite you to embark on a journey of discovery with Starlanka. Explore our collection and uncover the beauty and elegance that lies within each gem. With Starlanka, every gemstone is a testament to the timeless allure of nature's creations, waiting to be treasured for generations to come.

Star Lanka Co., Ltd

No. 234, 2nd Floor, Jewelry Trade Center,

Si Lom Rd, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand

+66 2 630 2629

Star Lanka - Start with Gemstone

How to Spot Fake Gemstones: Red Flags to Watch Out For

How to Spot Fake Gemstones: Red Flags to Watch Out For

The allure of gemstones is undeniable. Their vibrant colors, rarity, and the stories they carry through history have made them coveted objects for centuries. Unfortunately, as with many valuable items, the market is rife with fakes—imitations that can fool even a seasoned buyer. Whether you're a collector, an enthusiast or someone looking to make a special purchase, it's important to know how to spot fake gemstones. Here are some red flags and tips that can help you ensure the authenticity of your gems.

Understanding Authenticity
Before diving into spotting fakes, it's crucial to understand what we mean by 'authentic' gemstones. Authentic gemstones are natural minerals or organic materials that have been cut and polished for use in jewelry or as decorative objects. They differ from synthetic gems which are man-made but possess the same physical, chemical and optical characteristics as their natural counterparts. There’s also simulant gemstones which mimic the appearance of real stones but are made from different materials entirely.

Price Too Good To Be True
One of the first red flags when assessing a gemstone is its price point. If you find a stone being sold for significantly less than market value, caution is warranted. High-quality gems demand high prices due to their rarity and desirability; thus, an inexpensive "too good to be true" price tag may indicate that the stone is either fake or treated in ways that lower its value.

While flawless gems do exist, they're extremely rare and expensive. Most natural stones will have some form of inclusion—tiny imperfections within the stone—or slight irregularities on their surface. A stone without any inclusions visible under magnification might actually be synthetic or glass.

Uniformity in Color
Natural stones typically exhibit variations in color intensity throughout their structure; this characteristic is known as 'color zoning.' On the other hand, fake or dyed stones often display unnaturally uniform coloration since artificial processes don’t replicate these subtle nuances perfectly.

Unrealistic Durability
Genuine gemstones have specific hardness ratings on Mohs scale which determines how easily they can be scratched or damaged. If a seller claims that a particular soft gem (like opal which has Mohs hardness rating around 5-6) is resistant to scratches just like diamond (which sits at 10), this should raise suspicion regarding its authenticity.

Weight Discrepancies
Gemstones vary widely in density; for example, cubic zirconia weighs approximately 55% more than diamond despite being visually similar. If you're familiar with how heavy a certain genuine stone should feel and encounter one that feels too light or too heavy for its size, consider this discrepancy another warning sign.

Testing Reflectivity
A simple test involves checking how light passes through a stone; most diamonds will not let light pass through them while many fake versions (especially glass imitations) will show bright reflections indicative of lower refractive indices.

Examine Under Magnification
Using jeweler's loupe or microscope allows closer inspection for telltale signs such as air bubbles (common in glass fakes), overlaid colors (indicating dyes), uneven drill holes (in beads), and overly perfect faceting patterns not typical of hand-cut stones.

Professional Appraisal
Ultimately one of best ways ensuring authenticity before making significant investment into any piece jewelry involving gemstones getting professional appraisal done by certified gemologist who can provide unbiased opinion based upon thorough examination using specialized tools techniques designed precisely identify origin treatment status each individual stone.
Seller Reputation & Documentation

Do research on seller before committing purchase — reputable dealers should able provide detailed information about where their gems come from along with certificates authentication when appropriate look reviews feedback other customers gauge trustworthiness additionally check see if belong industry associations uphold ethical standards trade like American Gem Society Jewelers Board Trade

In conclusion educating yourself potential pitfalls associated buying precious stones adopting cautious approach evaluating each item closely following above mentioned tips greatly increase chances successfully avoiding disappointment acquiring counterfeit products Remember beauty genuineness go hand hand when comes appreciating timeless elegance offered earth's treasures

Star Lanka - Rhodolite Garnet

Star Lanka - Matching Pairs

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Star Lanka - Wholesale Quantity Gems

Star Lanka - Closeout Gem Deals

Entity Definition
Chrysoberyl Gems Gemstones that range from yellow to green, including the cat's eye variety known for its chatoyancy.
Cats Eye Stone Gems Gemstones that exhibit a narrow band of light across the surface, resembling a cat's eye.
Ethiopian Opal Gems Opals from Ethiopia, known for their vibrant play-of-color and diverse patterns.
Peridot Gems Green gemstones often found in volcanic rocks, known for their olive-green color.
Rainbow Moonstone Gems Moonstones that display a multicolored sheen, adding a mystical appeal.

Star Lanka - Fine Jewelry

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The Difference Between Natural and Lab-Created Gemstones

The Difference Between Natural and Lab-Created Gemstones

Gemstones have captivated human imagination for millennia, serving as symbols of wealth, power, and beauty. Their rarity and the difficulty involved in extracting them from the earth add to their allure. However, with advancements in technology, it has become possible to create gemstones in laboratories that are visually identical to their natural counterparts. The distinction between natural and lab-created gemstones is an important one, rooted in both their origins and characteristics.

Natural gemstones are formed through geological processes over millions of years beneath the Earth's surface. These processes often involve high pressure and temperature which cause minerals to crystallize into precious stones such as diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, and rubies. Each natural stone carries within it a history—a record of the unique conditions under which it was formed. It is this deep-seated origin story along with their scarcity that often makes natural stones more valuable in the eyes of collectors and enthusiasts.

In contrast, lab-created or synthetic gemstones are crafted by scientists using advanced technological procedures that replicate the conditions under which natural gems develop. While there are various methods for creating these stones, such as flux growth or hydrothermal processes, all aim to produce crystals that share the chemical composition and physical properties of natural gems. This controlled environment not only allows for faster production rates but also offers the opportunity to enhance certain desired qualities such as color or clarity.

Despite these similarities at a molecular level, there remain differences between lab-created and natural stones beyond just their point of origin. One significant difference is price; lab-created gems generally cost less than their natural equivalents due to lower extraction costs and greater availability. For consumers who prioritize ethical considerations like environmental impact or labor practices associated with mining operations—factors often referred to as "conflict-free" sourcing—lab-created gems can provide a more appealing alternative.

Another critical aspect is value retention over time: while both types of gemstones may serve equally well in jewelry from an aesthetic standpoint, natural gems typically hold greater long-term investment value due to their rarity. Collectors prize unique features found within natural stones—such as distinctive inclusions or color variations—that cannot be replicated exactly by synthetic means.

On a practical level for everyday wearers of jewelry featuring gemstones might notice no apparent difference between lab-created vs. naturally occurring ones without expert analysis tools since they look nearly identical on visual inspection alone.

In terms of ecological footprint too there exists a divide; although mining has undeniable impacts on landscapes ecosystems synthesizing gems requires energy potentially contributing carbon emissions depending on how electricity used process generated thus neither option completely free environmental concerns though relative scales impacts differ significantly.

Ultimately choice between purchasing piece adorned either type largely personal decision reflecting combination factors ranging budget aesthetic preferences ethical values long-term financial considerations discerning eye individual wearer ability appreciate subtle nuances encompassed within each stone’s creation story whatever its provenance may be appreciation shared beauty remains constant connecting admirers across divide artifice nature craftsmanship timeless allure these sparkling treasures our world offers untold varieties ways adorn ourselves express identities connect histories cultures spanning globe far reaches stars whence many elements comprising very jewels themselves first came exist eons ago cosmic dust starlight condensed form dazzling array we now treasure hold dear today tomorrow generations come thereafter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tsavorite Garnet is known for its bright green color, high brilliance, and durability, making it an excellent alternative to emeralds in fine jewelry.

When purchasing Wholesale Quantity Gems, consider factors such as the quality, consistency, certification, and reputation of the supplier to ensure a reliable and worthwhile investment.

Colombian Emeralds are prized for their deep green color and exceptional clarity, often considered the finest quality emeralds in the world.

Padparadscha Sapphires are rare and valuable due to their unique pinkish-orange color, reminiscent of a tropical sunset, and are highly sought after by collectors.

Choosing the best gemstone for an engagement ring involves considering factors like the gemstone's hardness, durability, color, clarity, and personal significance to the wearer.